Monday, February 19, 2007

Peet's Coffee Update (as promised earlier)

We tapped into the Sulawesi Kalosi. Great aroma as whole beans and as freshly brewed. A good all around coffee. Definitely has traits of SE Asian coffees. A hint of earthiness. A bold, deep palate -- I'd describe it as clear and bright. More of a middle of the tongue sensation (as opposed to a full-tongue sensation for the aged Sumatra dark roast). The residual taste only lingers a short time. Some would like this. I prefer a longer "linger". So now, we have tried three coffee varieties from Peet's. (The third was Espresso Forte which we tried at the coffee shop in Boulder -- which was excellent.) They all have very distinctive aromas and palates. All three were excellent quality. This is good. It makes Peet's credible -- they appear to be giving us what they say they are.

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