Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Bicycling Weather

The woodpeckers pecking on my neighbor's house apparently think that spring has arrived and they need to send out mating calls. I know it's not looking for food because they peck on the galvanized metal chimney caps, rain gutters, and window panes -- anything that resonates and sends their lonesome, lustful calls throughout the woodpecker neighborhood.

So, being abruptly notified that spring is here, I felt it necessary to install my road tires on my Mt. Bike so I can get in some miles. (I'd ride the mountain trails, but there is still too much ice, snow, and mud in the shaded areas. There's too much gravel on the road shoulders to safely ride my road bike with its slick, narrow tires.) Tomorrow, I will hit the road for a quick spin and blow off some of the winter blues. Then, I will go donate some blood at the local blood drive. I have a blood type that is always in short(er) supply. I figure it is payback for the blood we used after my son was born.

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