Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What do Caffeine and Incandescent Light Bulbs Have in Common?

Alright, I have good news. Our fine political leaders are really doing something to save us from certain destruction. We will finally know how much caffeine is in our food because labels will require disclosure. We will no longer have to make jokes about how many whatevers it takes to change a light bulb because we will almost never have to change an LED bulb (emitter, emitter/diffuser, device, emitter holder -- or whatever they are called) when incandescents are banned. I was really worried about both these things. Now I feel safe. Oh, the answer to my question about what these two things have in common? They are both political pawns in a legislature that has too big of things to solve so they feel powerless. Legislatures need to have power -- to feel like they are doing things -- like living up to their "lawmaker" label. So they make more laws. Vote Libertarian.


Ookami Snow said...

Good deal, i thought your were serious at first about the caffeine and light bulbs laws, I was wondering if Boulder was wearing off on you.

The Gare Bear said...

I'm trying to only let the good things about Boulder wear off on me. Check out the next blog about Whole Foods Market.