Thursday, March 15, 2007

A Has Was Once an Are

Every once in awhile I find some little tidbit of wisdom that deserves better press than it probably gets in the normal scheme of things. Here's one I found today:

i'd rather be a could be,
if i can not be an are;
'cause a could-be is a maybe
reaching for a star.

and i'd rather be a has-been
than a might-have-been by far
cause a might have been,
has never been, but a has
was once an are.

Steff Mahan - Nashville

So there you have it. A good thought for a good day.

1 comment:

Irene said...

Hey Gare bear, I'm finally able to post on your blog! Anyway, I have a favorite of my own. Short but oh so true.

'Peace does not come from the avoidance of conflict, it comes from the ability to cope.'

I'm so glad I have the ability to cope because I can see my life never being conflict free. so no ulcers and always laughter for this lady!